What Is Your Body For? The Key To Healing and Living Fully

Hello, my name is Celia Bray, and I’m a psychologist and the owner of Somatic Psychology. Today, I want to ask you a question that might seem a bit unusual, but it’s incredibly important: What do you think your body is for?

It may seem like an odd question, but how you answer it can shape your entire experience of life. Our beliefs about our bodies influence how we connect with ourselves and others, how we process emotions, and even how we heal from past trauma. Unfortunately, many of us view our bodies as merely vehicles for our minds, something that gets us from point A to point B. Perhaps we even see our bodies as objects to be judged based on appearance, size, or shape. This perspective can be incredibly limiting and even harmful, especially when it comes to processing trauma.

You see, our bodies are far more than just transportation for our minds. They are a source of immense wisdom and intelligence, particularly when it comes to our emotional well-being. When we dismiss the sensations and signals from our bodies, we cut ourselves off from a vital part of who we are. This disconnection can lead to a life that feels flat, where we’re simply going through the motions without truly experiencing the richness of life.

So, I invite you to begin shifting your perspective. Start by acknowledging that your body has valuable insights to offer, especially in understanding your emotions and guiding your life decisions. Wherever you currently stand—whether you see your body as just a tool or you already recognize its importance—try to embrace your body as your best friend. Even when you’re unwell or in pain, your body is communicating with you, signaling that something needs attention.

Notice the sensations in your body—the feel of the ground beneath your feet, the air on your skin, the emotions in your chest or stomach. These sensations are your body’s way of speaking to you, even though your brain might not always understand the message. By tuning into these signals, you open up a world of wisdom that can help you navigate life with greater clarity and purpose.

If you’re feeling lost, stuck in your head, or overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, your body holds the key to unlocking the answers you seek. It’s time to listen, to pay attention, and to welcome your body into the conversation of who you are and how you want to live.

Thank you for reading, and I hope this has been helpful.


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